CatalunyaCaixa Barcelona
CatalunyaCaixa is a savings bank in Spain based in Barcelona, operating through a network of 1212 branches and serving over 4 million customers.
CatalunyaCaixa is a savings bank in Spain based in Barcelona, operating through a network of 1212 branches and serving over 4 million customers.
Kutxabank is a Spanish bank serving customers through a network of 1,160 offices. The bank is represented mainly in Vizcaya province, but also serving customers throughout the country (also through their Barcelona locations), managing assets of EUR 59.413 million.
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (or BBVA) is a global banking group a strong leadership position in the Spanish market, offering a complete range of products and services to individual and corporate customers.
Banco Popular is one of the most business-oriented Spanish retail banking financial institutions as almost 90% of its revenue comes from such activities. The bank has 2,140 offices, employs 15,321 professionals and serves 5.5 million customers.
Banco Santander one of is the largest banks in the eurozone and among the 15 largest in the world by market capitalization, part of a global commercial banking group based in Spain. The bank offers products and solutions tailored to the everyday needs of individuals, companies and institutions.